
3 minute read

Hello, Yuhao here! Starting September 2023, I join SRI lab at ETH Zürich as a PhD student. I got my MSc degree in Computer Science majoring Machine Intelligence and minoring Theoretical Computer Science at ETH Zürich, and my BSc degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics with a dual degree in Finance at CKC Honors College, Zhejiang University. I am lucky to receive supervision and/or advice from:

  • Dr. G. Zhou, who leads me to the fantastic world of macroeconomics and encouraged me during my early stage of research, which benefits me deeply even after I left the field;
  • Dr. S. Ji and Dr. X. Zhang, who showed me the excitement and challenges of trustworthy artificial intelligence and offered valuable guidance and suggestions for years;
  • Dr. Y. Zhang, who has always been kind and helpful, especially when I feel lost;
  • Dr. F. Yang, who welcomed me since my first semester in a foreign country and continues to help;
  • Dr. M. Vechev, who shares numerous good days and continues to be a good friend.

My favorite formula includes:

\[e^{\pi i}=-1\] \[\hat{f}(\xi) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x)e^{2\pi i x\xi}dx\]

Find my CV here.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or interests.

Working Ethics

I solemnly swear that I put 120% effort into making the proofs in all my publications, including those I am not the (co-)first author, correct, rigorous and readable.


All publications are peer-reviewed in top-tier conferences/journals. Equal contributions are marked by *.

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence for Science


  • Training Certifiably Robust Neural Networks. January 2024 at Zhejiang University, China. [Slide]


Community Contribution

Review for NeurIPS’24 (top reviewer award), ICLR’25, TMLR, ICML’25.